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loadValue ()


This function loads a integer and displays it as a decimal number on the display.


loadValue(unsigned short value, int pos, byte digits, byte align)


value: value to be displayed.

pos: position where the number is to be displayed

digits: number of digits to be used, maximum 4. If the number does not fit within the number of digits specified, least significant digits are displayed.

align: alignment of the digits, right or left aligned


#include <Multiplex7SegSW>;

void setup()
  Multiplex7SegSW::set(1, noOfDigits, digitPins, segmentPins);

void loop() {
  Multiplex7SegSW::loadValue(150, 0, 4, ALIGN_RIGHT);

This text is from the Papilio reference and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.


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